Monday, October 17, 2011

Collaboration in promoting the use of social media in emergency management

I had the opportunity to lead an online webinar on behalf of NTEN and 2-1-1 Ontario last week. Things seem to have gone well and we covered lots of ground. Here are a few highlights:

  1. we went from "why use social media in my emergency program?" to "how can I best use SM?"
  2. we're in an era of greater participation by volunteers and citizens in disasters brought about by the age of social convergence = people no longer just want to be witnesses or victims ... they want to take part = crisis mapping, crowdsourcing and sharing info on SM platforms
  3. agencies can no longer just use SM to push info out ... more and more, to be relevant and expend resources strategically ... they need to pull info in ... mine it to enhance their situational awareness and allocate resources more effectively/efficiently + to engage in real dialogue with their audiences
Those are significant developments in the world of emergency management. Hope you share my views and I hope to hear from you if you don't ! 

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